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Absolutism vs Relativism


Relative to our services, this includes spirituality, emotional intelligence, and character necessary for this profession, and learning theory needed to train folks in these areas.


Absolute Quality Services was founded based on the principle that NDT is a special process that after being used, may be the last time anyone looks at the part. Because of this "last chance" to find flaws in the part, the NDT process must be properly controlled and applied with Quality Assurance principles. When applied properly, the overall NDT process should provide the engineer with the needed confidence for system performance and public safety.


The Absolute Quality difference is that we are a Quality company that does NDT, not an NDT company with a quality department.

​Because of my training and our philosophy, we aim for slow steady growth rather than quick profits. Our metrics are centered around quality and customer needs fulfillment rather than quarterly sales and other financial measures. We have faith that the NDT and quality community will value that kind of service and we will prosper in the long run.


Our Logo represents a center of gravity symbol along with black and white quarters or split halves. This represents our balanced approach, along with a precision and resolution to meet quality requirements, and wrapped by the Absolute Quality Service pledge of the folks that work here.

Contact us early so that we can provide the most value to your project!

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